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FAQ - We answer YOUR questions about Babysitting & Teaching

09/04/2019 - Bilinguisme chez l'enfant

Do you have questions about babysitting, Montessori, kids… left unanswered?

Our specialist in active teaching, Céline Peel, answered the most often asked questions by our babysitters just for you!


If you have any question that is not registered in this article, please put it in the comment section, we will be pleased to answer it for you!



What can I do if the child refuses to speak my language?


First, take away the idea that you are going to "make " the child speak. Each learner has a different profile, and some take longer to speak and need to feel confident enough to dare speaking.


The only thing  you can act on, is on yourself: keep speaking to him/her, organize little games when without noticing he will say a few words like I spy with my little eye. Check that he understood some key word even if he/she does not say it (can you draw me a ...spoon?)


And remember, Not speaking does not mean not learning even! And often it is a question of time and trust.


2- How to attract the attention of very little kids (1- years old)?


If both kids are very young and very close in ages, it is absolutely normal that they bond, stick together... But in my experience the good news is that it is fairly easy to attract their attention back and change the situation.

It depends on when you started to be their babysitter: it's different if it's recent or not, as you might still be in the acceptation phase with them.

In all cases, try not to focus on the language for now and appeal to their curiosity: 


-have you tried hide and seek? it does not require much language (just counting up to 5 or 10 and you can be the one doing the search and they hide).


-Mime and puppets are a good trick to: that way it is not you but the puppet speaking the "foreign" language" (in an exaggerated way if possible with facial expressions, helloooooooo etc...


-Chinese shadows on a wall are also very popular with younger ones,


-Memory games: you know, when you look for can all play together, does not need much talking, you just reformulate in English when you found a matching card (ohh, a princess!). Ask them also to "teach" you the name in French (ahh une princesse!). Little ones looove the reverse roles.


- singing is often very popular with little ones: try a very simple song, like the hello song (have a look on YouTube, pick the version you like). Even if they don't sing straight away, it soaks in and will probably come out one day when you least expect it.


Finally, to help your "integration", I suggest that you bring pictures, photos if you have some of your family at home, your country, your bro and sisters if you have, a doggie or a cat...things they can relate to and are visual...


When I teach new words to his brother, the elder sister always wants to answer instead. Therefore, the little boy does not say a thing. What can I do?


Try different activities simultaneously. Older "bossy" siblings may like to be put in charge of a "mission". Perhaps you can ask her to lay the table for snack time while you play a language game with the little one. Or tidy up the shoes in the hall 2 by 2...


If she keeps interrupting you, make her a clear sign with the hand that you are currently doing something with the brother and don't forget to then go to her when you are finished. learning to wait is a key skill which takes time for children to respect!

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