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Why choose a bilingual school for your child?

23/05/2019 -

While it seems obvious to families with dual nationality, the choice to enroll their child in a bilingual school is a great opportunity to better prepare them for the future. Here are three reasons to convince you.

Reason # 1: Learning by immersion

Learning a living language is only mandatory from CP, some families are turning to bilingual schools to initiate their children to this discipline as soon as possible. Indeed, this type of institution allows it as early as kindergarten and creates an environment conducive to early bilingualism. It is not only a question of learning English or another language, as is the case in National Education, but of getting the child to hear and speak the chosen living language on a daily basis. In short, immerse him in another culture! And this is precisely the belief behind Speaking Agency: the best way to learn a language is to immerse yourself in it from an early age.


école bilingue


This immersion also promotes the socio-emotional development of the child. Many studies have revealed the cognitive benefits of bilinguals, particularly in terms of memorization or mental flexibility, compared to children with a more formal education. They have a better ability to solve logic problems and show greater empathy. In other words, they know how to put themselves in the shoes of others!

Reason # 2: Alternative pedagogies



Several types of bilingual schools are to be distinguished: public schools and private schools under contract with the State, on the one hand. And on the other hand, private non-contract schools that often develop innovative forms of learning, as is the case with Montessori schools. For example, The Bilingual Montessori School of Paris advocates freedom as an integral part of the upbringing of the child and is thus radically different from the idea of ​​school curricula as desired by classical forms of pedagogy. Concretely, children are free to choose their activities, to move at their own pace and to share their work with other students ... Without this framework being permissive! Freedom has no other purpose than to encourage the progress of each.

Discover our other articles dedicated to bilingual schools in Paris:

Discover EAB Paris (Active Bilingual School)
Discover the international school of Paris
Discover the American school of ParisDiscover the bilingual Jeannine Manuel School




Reason # 3: An opening on the world


In an era of globalization where cultural and commercial exchanges are omnipresent, mastery of different languages, including English, becomes a necessary condition for integration. From a cultural and playful point of view, language learning opens access to a wide range of works, such as cartoons or youth novels, which do not have a French translation. The child will, in this way, be aware that there are many countries with different cultures of his own, thus sharpening his curiosity in a world in constant evolution. A bilingual education is the best way to allow him to access these foreign content, from an early age.


ouverture sur le monde


The world of work also shows how crucial bilingualism is: job ads increasingly want this skill. And this trend is likely to accelerate in the years to come! Registering your child in a bilingual school would provide him with an additional asset in his future CV. The child who has grown up will even have the opportunity to expatriate himself and propose his candidacy in the countries whose language he speaks, thus opening the field of possibilities for his professional future.

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