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Welcome a Nanny into your house

07/11/2018 -

You're welcoming an au pair into your house for the first time and don't know how to go about preparing, no worries! Here are some tips so that their stay is the best for everyone involved.


Understanding what an Au Pair does

The principal interest of the au pair is to bring their culture and language from their home country to the household. Most of the time, the au pair is a student from a foreign country. You shouldn't be welcoming the au pair into your house as an employee, like a babysitter. For their stay, the au pair will become like a member of the family.



Why take in an au pair? 

Welcoming an au pair into your house is an opportunity to discover a new culture and a new language! It's a babysitting trend where the au pair undertakes simple tasks such as collecting the kids from school, feeding them etc. It allows the parents a bit more time to interact with their children in the evenings.


jeune fille au pair


Choosing an au pair - it's supported by the government

In the eyes of the law, an au pair is an "foreign family intern" and is supported by European agreements on au pairing.

The requirements of an Au Pair

The tasks of an au pair is to look after the family's children. They collect them from school, make them dinner, do their washing, play with them, go out with them. However, they are not responsible for the upkeep of the house or flat.

The requirements of the host family 

The family should offer the au pair their own room and access to all the household's utilities. Taking them out with you in the evening, sharing meals and generally integrating them into the family is important too so that they can benefit from local culture.

The au pair should take part in household chores for a maximum of 30 hours per week with a minimum pay of €80 per week. It is the family who should organise the child's means of transport.

The au pair should also benefit from a day and a half of holiday per week and at least one full weekend a month. For 6 months of week, the au pair has the right to one full week of paid holiday.


The cost of having an au pair

The au pair should receive pocket money. This amount is from €65 to €100 per week in accordance with the relationship that you create.

The charges linked to the URSSAF declaration state €200 per month, and you should plan for insurance fees from €25 to €40 per month. 

In France, the bills linked to having an au pair can result in a tax reduction of up to 50% if your earnings are less than €12 000 per year. However, you don't benefit from fiscal deduction just for welcoming an au pair into the house.

Are you a candidate who is interested in becoming an au pair or babysitter?

Speaking-Agency has hundreds of babysitting job offers in foreign languages in France's cities. Teach you mother tongue language or your second language whilst looking after children. Have a look at out babysitting offers and our nanny offers. Apply here by completing this quick application form.

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